Friday, August 28, 2009

First Voices - Gunhild Litwin

A major interest for me at the Wellington Forum was an initiative entitled 'First Voices'. I intend to launch this project at Whangarei Libraries.

Here's what has to be done.
1. Find all local children whose first language isn't English (through schools and library).
2. Have a one day photo shoot and display children's photos along with the name of the language they speak.
3. Find mentors for each language (preferably not a parent of the child).
4. Select a topic. For example, 'My story as a new immigrant'.
5. Organise a day. Group kids according to the language they speak. Each group is assigned an adult mentor.Kids write a rough draft of their story in their own language helped where necessary by their mentor.
6. Kids take away their story and do a NEAT copy in their own language.
7. Each child can illustrate their own story if they want.
8. Publish stories in book form.
9. Each child gets a copy.
10. Hold copies in library for other children and adults to access.


  1. Great idea, heaps of organising...Good luck with it.

  2. Thanks Debbie, Would you like to give me a hand?
