I'd like to see you and Wendy try this on your own first - there are certainly some moves here that are very "individual". I think I'd like to go to the gym they go to. What amazing flexibility!
I am a Children's Services Librarian. Within libraries there are many areas in which one can choose to work, each calling for different qualifications or areas of expertise. I chose the field of children's services as most of my life I have woked with young people. It is possible to begin a career in Library without any formal qualification; and often qualifications are gained during employment. If you are keen to become a children's librarian please give me feedback as to whether I have included stuff of interest to you... if I haven't... feel free to make suggestions or post questions and I'll do my best to answer them :)
Inventing and implementing School Holiday Programmes can be great fun. The purpose of holiday programmes is to encourage children into the library and demonstrate that libraries are wonderful places to visit. The focus of the programme featured in the link below is 'writing' but any theme can be used.
A4 Blue paper; D'Oily; Textured Wool; Crayons; Glue stick; Scissors
How to
Cut the d'oily to shape for body( three jelly fish can be cut out of one); cut the wool to length for tentacles; colour the body of the jellyfish as desired; glue all onto the A4 paper.
I'd like to see you and Wendy try this on your own first - there are certainly some moves here that are very "individual". I think I'd like to go to the gym they go to. What amazing flexibility!
In another life I may be able to do it if I came back as a pretzel, but not this one. They were amazing, and they could sing as well.....